What is the method of instruction
"Essentially it  is  "learning by doing
Almost every day, each participant will actually be asked to speak, with a great deal of hrlp and encouragement from the instructor and the other participant. The whole "mystery of speaking" will be systematically unraveled, and the participant fear removed. We also use audiocassettes, live speeches by expert and so on, to increase listening comprehension and to improve diction
How is Komark different?
Here are some of the special features
Our programmes change you form the INSIDE, not through superficial comments like "Stand the away" or "Smile", as the rest of the market does. We train your MIND to think sharply and logical – on your feet. This gives you true iner confidence and enhances your personality enormously, so that you stand out in a crowd, whether in an office or in a universitysurrounding
Over a period of 7 power-packed half-days plus about 15-20 hours of personal study, you will gain the confidence to face any audience. You will learn the importance of truly understanding and Inernalizing your subject before you start speaking. You will also learn the critical need to focus yorr mind before and while you speak
"EVERY day and in EVERY class, almost EVERY participant in our course speaks from the "stage
Almost throughout the programme, NO writing will be permitted, instead it is your mind that will be "working out"- and that can be quite as exhausting as going to a gym for a physical work out
Almost throughout the programme, NO writing will be permitted, instead it is your mind that will be "working-out"- and the can be quite as exhausting as going to a gym for a physical work out